Council Meetings
The temporary change in the law which allowed meetings of the Council to be held virtually ended on 6 May 2021, so all formal 'decision making' meetings must be held in person, as well as in public.
Annual Parish Meeting (Assembly)
The Parish Meeting of the electors of the Council's area is required to assemble annually between 1 March and 1 June, and is usually held in late April or early May prior to the Annual Meeting of the Council. Presumably because it is required to "assemble annually", the annual Parish Meeting has been known locally as the 'Annual Assembly'.
The Agendas for Parish Meetings are published on the Parish Meeting (Assembly) page of this website, providing at least seven clear working days (ie excluding Saturdays when possible, Sundays and bank holidays) before the meeting. The Agenda is also published on the Council's noticeboards. Related documents are then uploaded as pdf files as soon as possible, with Minutes also published on the Parish Meeting (Assembly) pages.
Details of the current year's annual and any other Parish Meeting (Assembly) are included in the full schedule of meetings for the year 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026, which is published below.
Meetings of the Council
The annual and ordinary meetings of the Council are usually held on the second Tuesday of each month, alternately at Seamer & Irton War Memorial Hall, Main Street, Seamer, Scarborough, YO12 4QD and Crossgates Community Centre, Curlew Drive, Crossgates, Scarborough, YO12 4TP, starting at 7.00pm.
A full schedule of meetings for the year 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 is published with pdf copies, which can be downloaded for recent years also, below.
The Agenda and related documents for the next meeting are uploaded as pdf files on the relevant date's Agenda & Reports page of this website, where they can be opened and/or downloaded via a hyperlink from the Agendas & Reports page, usually on or before the Wednesday during the week before the meeting, providing three clear working days (ie excluding Saturdays when possible, Sundays and bank holidays) before the meeting. The Agenda is also published on the Council's noticeboards.
Items for consideration for the Agenda should be received by the Clerk of the Council at PO Box 512, Scarborough. YO11 9GH or by e-mail to [email protected] on or before the Friday during the second week before the meeting.
Residents of the Council's area are warmly invited to attend Council meetings and time is allocated for public participation early in each meeting. The Chairman, with the approval of the Council, may also invite comments and questions from the public during the course of a meeting. .
The public and the press are excluded and reasons given, when an item of business involves the likely disclosure of confidential information. These items are dealt with towards the end of the agenda.
Annual Parish Meeting (Assembly)
Items Required By |
Agenda Published | Annual Parish Meeting (Assembly) |
Method / Venue |
N/A |
Wednesday 23/04/2025 |
Tuesday 06/05/2025 |
Seamer & Irton War Memorial Hall |
Meetings of the Council
Items Required By | Agenda Published | Council Meeting | Method / Venue |
Friday 28/03/2025 |
Wednesday 02/04/2025 |
Tuesday 08/04/2025 |
Seamer & Irton War Memorial Hall |
Friday 02/05/2025 |
Thursday 08/05/2025 |
Annual Meeting of the Council Tuesday 13/05/2025 |
Crossgates Community Centre |
Friday 30/05/2025 |
Wednesday 04/06/2025 |
Tuesday 10/06/2025 |
Seamer & Irton War Memorial Hall |
Friday 27/06/2025 |
Wednesday 02/07/2025 |
Tuesday 08/07/2025 |
Crossgates Community Centre |
Friday 01/08/2025 |
Wednesday 06/08/2025 |
Tuesday 12/08/2025 |
Seamer & Irton War Memorial Hall |
Friday 29/08/2025 |
Wednesday 03/09/2025 |
Tuesday 09/09/2025 |
Crossgates Community Centre |
Friday 03/10/2025 |
Wednesday 08/10/2025 |
Tuesday 14/10/2025 |
Seamer & Irton War Memorial Hall |
Friday 31/10/2025 |
Wednesday 05/11/2025 |
Tuesday 11/11/2025 |
Crossgates Community Centre |
Friday 28/11/2025 |
Wednesday 03/12/2025 |
Tuesday 09/12/2025 |
Seamer & Irton War Memorial Hall |
Friday 02/01/2026 |
Wednesday 07/01/2026 |
Tuesday 13/01/2026 |
Crossgates Community Centre |
Friday 30/01/2026 |
Wednesday 04/02/2026 |
Tuesday 10/02/2026 |
Seamer & Irton War Memorial Hall |
Friday 27/02/2026 |
Wednesday 04/03/2026 |
Tuesday 10/03/2026 |
Crossgates Community Centre |