Parish Meeting (Assembly)
The Parish Meeting of the electors of the Council's area is required to assemble annually between 1 March and 1 June, and is usually held in late April or early May prior to the Annual Meeting of the Council. Presumably because it is required to "assemble annually", the annual Parish Meeting has been known locally as the 'Annual Assembly'.
The next Parish Meeting (Assembly) will be the annual Parish Meeting to be held on Tuesday 6 May 2025 at Seamer & Irton War Memorial Hall, Main Street, Seamer, Scarborough, YO12 4QD, commencing at 7.00pm.
Details of the current year's annual and any other Parish Meeting are included in the full schedule of meetings, which is published on the Council Meetings page of this website.
The Agenda for any forthcoming Parish Meeting is uploaded as a pdf file on this page and can be opened and/or downloaded below, providing at least seven clear working days (ie excluding Saturdays when possible, Sundays and bank holidays) before the meeting. The Agenda is also published on the Council's noticeboards. The next Agenda will be published on or before Wednesday 23 April 2025.
Related documents are then uploaded as pdf files as soon as possible and can also be opened and/or downloaded below.
The draft Minutes of the last Parish Meeting are considered for any necessary amendment as to accuracy, approval and signing at the next Parish Meeting, following which the approved minutes only are retained.
Residents of the Council's area are warmly invited to attend each Parish Meeting and an Open Forum of Electors is included during each meeting.
The agenda, related documents and minutes of previous Parish Meetings are uploaded as pdf files, and can be opened and/or downloaded by clicking the link for the relevant year, 1 April to 31 March, below:
Parish Meetings 2020/21 - none held due to the Coronavirus (COVID) pandemic